
Management Board

Christoph Kannengießer


Christoph Kannengießer has been Chief Executive Officer of the Afrika-Verein since June 1st 2012. Since 1995 he has worked in responsible positions of business associations such as the German Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Confederation of German Employers' Associations as well as Managing Director of the Brand Association (2007-2009). He was also almost 4 years Deputy Secretary General of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Claudia Voss - Geschäftsführerin · Leiterin Politik und Kommunikation / Pressesprecherin des Afrikaverein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
Claudia Voß

Managing Director

Head of Countries & Markets


Martin Rambach

Manager Public Affairs/PR

Diplomatic Advisor

Egon Kochanke - Botschafter a.D. beim Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
Egon Kochanke

Ambassador ret.

Ulf-Peter Noetzel

Senior Policy Advisor


Paawana Abalo

Manager West & Central francophone Africa i

Sectors: Circular Economy, Water, Digitalisation

Scarlett Apfelbacher

Manager Anglophone & Lusophone West Africa i

Sectors: Wholesale & Foreign Trade, Mining & Raw Materials

Katarina Kunert · NORD · Referentin Nordafrika des Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
Katarina Kunert

Senior Manager Projects & Partnerships

Sectors: Education and Qualification, Consultancies (incl. Legal Consulting)

Lino Eppelsheim

Manager North Africa & Sahel  i

Sector: Financing, Logistics, Security

Asmau Nitardy · Referentin Ostafrika des Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
Asmau Nitardy

Senior Manager East Africa i

Sector: Healthcare, Chemical Industry

Wiebke Polomka - Projektassistentin Politik & Kommunikation
Wiebke Polomka

Senior Manager Southern Africa 

Sectors: Automotive & Mobility, Construction & Infrastructure i

Robin Walter

Manager German Agribusiness Alliance

Berit Zierz · Messewesen & Ausschreibungen beim Afrika-Verein der deutschen Wirtschaft e.V:
Berit Zierz

Senior Manager Research & Communication Projects

Khadi Camara · Referentin Lusophones Afrika & Anglophones Westafrika
Khadi Camara (Parental leave)

Deputy Head of Countries & Markets

Senior Manager Anglophone West Africa & Lusophone Africa i

Sectors: Energy, Water & Recycling, indeed Africa! The Young Business Network


Carmen Oldenburger

Head of Administration, Finance, Controlling, Human Resources


CEO: RA Christoph Kannengießer


Berit Bürger · Projektmanagerin der Afrika-Verein Veranstaltungs-GmbH
Berit Bürger

Senior Manager

Nicolas Annan

Project Assistant

Responsable for indeed Africa! The Young Business Network