
Afrika-Verein (German-African Business Association) and Eastern Africa Association (EAA) have the pleasure to invite you to

AV partners:
Business Outlook Eastern Africa

on January 26th, 2023
from 5:30 – 7:30pm (GMT)
at Edwin Coe LLP: Lincoln’s Inn, 2 Stone Buildings, London WC2A 3TH
& online via Zoom
- Please pay attention to the time zone: 6.30 – 8.30pm (CET) -

Countries in East Africa experience high inflation pressures due to several disruptions caused by a range of internal and external shocks, including adverse weather conditions, rising rates of inflation and higher borrowing costs. Regional conflicts and tensions, currency volatility and disruptions in the supply chains also played their part, with the Eastern Africa region recording slower economic growth of 4.0% against 5.1% in 2021. There is a strong likelihood that some of these factors will continue to affect the region's growth prospects in 2023.
The purpose of our panel is to examine opportunities in the region in the light of these realities, and how the region can position itself, through trade and investment.

Discussion topics:

•    Will conflicts in EAC countries and global geopolitics affect regional stability?
•    Climate change and food security: How can private sector and governments collaborate?
•    Key drivers and constraints that businesses have to look out for in 2023
•    Financial pressures and rising sovereign debt, impact on public service
•    East Africa's trade competitiveness within the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA)

The discussions will be followed by a networking reception and an opportunity to interact with some of the High Commissioners / Ambassadors from East Africa based in London.  
For those wishing to attend virtually, please complete the RSVP link, a zoom link will be sent once your registration is done.

To register: RSVP link

We look forward to your participation!


London & Online



Asmau Nitardy

Telefon: +49 30206071943

Fax: +49 302060719108

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