

The German-African Energy Forum is the flagship event of economic cooperation between Germany and the African continent. For thirteen years, the conference has been hosting up to 500 participants, a yearly average of ten African government delegations and continues to be a popular destination for leading energy businesses from Germany, Europe and Africa. That is why we are pleased to announce the

14th German-African Energy Forum
Regaining Momentum: Africa’s Energy leading to a Smart, Green & Inclusive Economic Transformation
on June 1st & 2nd, 2021
hybrid – in Hamburg and on your screens

within the German-African Energy Days from June 1st to 10th, 2021.

The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and the ongoing digital transformation of economies need a green, smart and quick response from the energy sector. Power generation is still one of the main enablers for inclusive economic growth in Africa.

During the pandemic the 14th German-African Energy Forum will therefore continue to be a platform to discuss trends, promote innovative approaches and host the future of German-African Energy partnerships. To unlock the full potential of the well-established forum and the opportunities of digitalization, the 14th edition of the conference will be held as a hybrid event, embedded in the German-African Energy Days 2021, the first of its kind events series with five days of program all around energy in Africa with a focus on the cooperation with Germany & Europe.

For more information on the topics of this year’s forum, the program overview can be found below for download.

While we continue to gather stakeholders from Europe and Africa in Hamburg/Germany on June 1st & 2nd, we will open the German-African Energy Forum digitally to hundreds of stakeholders in Africa and the world.

Give your brand the visibility it deserves - Become a sponsor and check the options below.

The highlight of the second part of the German-African Energy Days will be the launch of the conference 1st Unlocking Industries – Hydrogen in Africa on June 8th, 2021 broadcasted from Germany and selected African countries.

REGISTRATION for digital participation will open in due course.

We look forward to welcoming you, to discussing relevant topics and to networking!

Please check also our event-website

Dokumenten Downloads:

Download PDF: Flyer_German-African Energy Days 2021.pdf


Hybrid (Hamburg & Online)



Khadi Camara

Telefon: +49 30206071956

Fax: +49 302060719108

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